ADRH Program
Presentations Video Library
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20 Videos
Contributed by Petaluma People Services Center (PPSC) | Added on May 9, 2024

The Adult Day & Respite Program is an activity program for frail elders aged 60 yrs. and older to help them stay independent in their homes as long as possible. Services include client assessment, nutritional screening and case management if needed. Activities include current events, exercises, entertainment, field trips and hot lunches.
Watch the 1:11 Video More InfoThe program provides day care services for seniors aged 60 and above who are functionally or cognitively impaired by providing the emotional, mental, and social stimulation that is necessary to help them remain independent and healthy. Regular social and recreation activities include arts and crafts, local entertainment (musicians), group discussions, light exercise, intergenerational programming, and a hot lunch and snack (vegetarian option available for lunch). Hours of operation are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The program also provides respite for caregivers of those seniors attending the program.
Contributed by Adult & Aging | Added on October 3, 2023

All people deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. Adult Protective Services (APS) accepts and investigates reports of suspected abuse or neglect involving older adults age 60+ and adults with disabilities ages 18- 59.
Watch the 3:04 Video More InfoSonoma County Adult Protective Services (APS) responds to reports of abuse, neglect, exploitation and self-neglect involving:
- Eligibility Criteria
- Older adults age 65+
- Dependent adults aged 18+
The APS Intake team will screen reports of abuse, neglect, and self-neglect for the link between the reported protective issue and the individual's dependency/vulnerability. If the individual is eligible for an APS investigation, the report is assigned to an APS Social Worker/Investigator.
The APS Social Worker/Investigator responds in-person within 10 calendar days of receipt of the report. (Some reports are investigated by phone). The APS Social Worker/Investigators interviews the alleged victim and collateral contacts as needed to determine a finding in the investigation. If the APS Social Worker/Investigator suspects a crime has been committed, a law enforcement report is made.
The APS Social Worker conducts a risk assessment and develops a service plan with the alleged victim. The goal of the risk assessment is to identify areas of protection needed in the alleged victim's life. The goal of the service plan is to refer the alleged victim to needed resources to protect their health and safety.
The APS intervention is usually concluded within 30 days. With some exceptions, APS services are voluntary and the alleged victim can refuse to engage with APS recommendations.
To speak to an APS Intake Social Worker or make a report of suspected abuse, neglect or self-neglect call the APS Reporting Hotline (707) 565-5940. The APS Reporting Hotline is available 24/7 and all calls are confidential.
Contributed by Disability Services & Legal Center (DSLC) | Added on October 3, 2023

DSLC practices both individual and systems advocacy to empower and inform our consumers and the disability community. Find out how we can advocate for you.
Watch the 2:26 Video More InfoPart of our mission at DSLC is to advocate for equality for people with disabilities in all aspects of living in our community. This advocacy takes many forms in response to a variety of needs. Our Systems Change Advocate at DSLC attends and hosts meetings with the county and state to better understand and advocate for the disability community. Disability Services & Legal Center hosts a Disability Peer Support Group. It’s for children, adults, seniors with disabilities and their families, regardless of what disability they have. This is a welcoming and safe place to share, encourage each other and provide available resources for the support.
Contributed by Disability Services & Legal Center (DSLC) | Added on October 3, 2023

Benefits advocates assist consumers with information, explanations, examples, and options as they navigate the often confusing and complex public benefits programs.
Watch the 4:01 Video More InfoDSLC can counsel and assist with disability benefit options that are available through local, state and federal programs. As a Center for Independent Living, we focus on Self-Advocacy and Self-Empowerment for consumers who identify as disabled, as well as their own advocates, family and friends. In support of the Independent Living Philosophy, DSLC cannot provide case management, but we assist with following issues:
- Initial Application for Social Security Disability (SSDI)
- Social Security Disability continuing disability review/medical re-determination changes and challenges related to aging or disability
- SSI/SSDI Overpayments or reduction of monthly repayment amounts
- Return to work counseling for SSI/SSDI recipients
- Applications for State Security Disability Insurance (SDI)
- Appeals for State Security Disability Insurance (SDI)
- Issues with Medi-Cal
- Issues with IHSS
- Issues with Medicare
- Issues with unemployment insurance
Contributed by West County Community Services (WCCS) | Added on May 9, 2024

Supportive counseling (not therapy) between two people who have something in common. WCCS’ Senior Peer Counselors provide goal-oriented counseling on a short-term basis to address problems and life adjustments. Emphasis is on developing coping skills and expanding one’s knowledge and use of resources. WCCS follows up with the potential client to introduce the program and service available, then matches them with an available counselor.
Watch the 3:12 Video More InfoSupportive counseling (not therapy) between two people who have something in common. WCCS' Senior Peer Counselors provide goal-oriented counseling on a short-term basis to address problems and life adjustments. Emphasis is on developing coping skills and expanding one's knowledge and use of resources. WCCS follows up with the potential client to introduce the program and service available, then matches them with an available counselor.
- Qualifications: Client must be 60+ years of age
Contributed by Disability Services & Legal Center (DSLC) | Added on October 3, 2023

Individuals who complete the application will be assessed for disaster and emergency services, including Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) events. Watch video to learn more.
Watch the 4:44 Video More InfoThrough PG&E funding, the Disability Disaster Access and Resource Center (DDARC) program ensures that individuals with assistive and medical technology needs have access to electricity during a PG&E Planned Safety Power Shutoff. The electrical device given is a Yeti 1500x or Yeti 3000x backup battery. Other services given are hotel vouchers, food vouchers or transportation vouchers when necessary. Applicants must be on PG&E’s Medical Baseline program, must either have a disaster plan or work on a disaster plan with DSLC, and be in a high fire threat district that suffers through Planned Safety Power Shutoff. Eligibility is determined by having a medical device/a medical need that requires access to power and is in a Tier 1 or Tier 2 zone determined by PG&E or have been through 2 or more PSPS’s also determined through PG&E. This program also provides a Disaster Training Workshop and help signing up for Medical Baseline.
Contributed by Disability Services & Legal Center (DSLC) | Added on October 3, 2023

If you are an individual with a disability, or one that is becoming disabled, the Home Access Modification Program can install ramps, lifts, grab-bars, and other devices to provide access to your home at no cost to you.
Watch the 3:31 Video More InfoHousing Access Modification (HAM) Program is locally funded, helps seniors, veterans and people with disabilities gain, maintain or extend access to their homes that would otherwise be lost due to the hardship associated with a disability. All work is done to code and is completed by licensed contractors contracted by DSLC. This program received an award in 2000 from the National Organization on Disability for improving access in Sonoma County for people with disabilities. The HAM Program is available to persons with disabilities who reside in Sonoma County. At times, there are waiting lists. The HAM Program is FREE to Sonoma County residents with disabilities that meet income and other qualifications. The Program is funded by grants from Sonoma County, the City of Petaluma, the City of Santa Rosa, and the City of Napa.
- Financial Qualification
- 1 person household = $65,550 per year 2 person household = $76,050 per year
- Modifications Available
- Building interior and exterior ramps and porch lifts.
- Installing grab bars and other adaptable bathroom equipment such as hand- held shower-heads, roll-in showers, raised toilet seats, tub benches, etc.
- Widening doorways
- Installing appliance control adapters and lever activated handles on faucets and doors.
- Adjusting the height of light switches, outlets, cupboards, counters, etc.
- Installing flashing light warning systems for the doorbell, telephone, smoke detector, etc.
- Providing tactile labeling and color coding on appliances and walking surfaces.
Contributed by Adult & Aging | Added on October 3, 2023

The Home and Community-Based Alternatives Waiver (HCBA) program helps put supportive services in place that allow participants to stay at home.
Watch the 2:06 Video More InfoAs an alternative to nursing home or institutional living, the HCBA program helps put supportive services in place to allow clients to stay at home. HCBA can also support residents wishing to return home from a nursing home or institutional facility. HCBA is for clients of all ages who are medically fragile, with complex physical conditions that require more skilled care.
- Eligibility Criteria
- Medi-Cal is required (married couples and children may be eligible under special rules)
- Has major functional difficulties and needs extensive personal care and/or nursing
- Have the interest and willingness to help identify and plan for their needs AND can take steps to follow up with resources OR have a committed support person in place
- No age requirement
Contributed by Disability Services & Legal Center (DSLC) | Added on October 3, 2023

The Housing Program helps disabled individuals and their families currently, or at-risk of experiencing homelessness. Watch this video for more information!
Watch the 3:12 Video More InfoDSLC's Housing Program helps disabled homeless and at-risk individuals and their families secure permanent, accessible and affordable housing. 96% of the individuals and families housed over the past 10 years have remained so, with no return to the streets, area shelters or transitional housing programs. The Housing Search Assistance Program's focus is to provide housing search information, training, and referral to people with disabilities seeking accessible and affordable housing.
The Santa Rosa branch office maintains current listings of property management agencies, and rental complexes locally. Our housing team also has access to crisis resources for qualified individuals facing rental deposits, late rent and other critical family needs. These resources include the HCA and Season of Sharing funds, among others.
We examine many aspects of hunting, including:
- Advocating for your needs
- Roommates and shared housing
- Selling yourself to landlords
- Working with bad credit history or prior evictions
- Subsidized housing
- Community resources for rental move-in cost assistance
- Tips for keeping your rental and stretching your dollars
Contributed by Adult & Aging | Added on October 3, 2023

Eligible older adults and disabled residents of all ages, can apply for support from paid in-home care providers. IHSS clients get help with day-to-day tasks that they cannot do themselves.
Watch the 3:08 Video More InfoIHSS provides eligible older adults and people with a disability support to stay living safely at home, through a paid in-home care provider. IHSS clients get help with day-to-day tasks that they cannot do themselves.
- Eligibility requirements include:
- Being a legal California resident
- Living in their own home
- Needing help from a caregiver to remain at home safely and independently
- Eligible for Medi-Cal
- Submitting a completed Health Care Certification form
Contributed by Adult & Aging | Added on January 12, 2024

Social Workers provide information and assistance to community members as a part of the Aging and Disability Resource Hub. Help is available for people of all ages and their caregivers to learn about resources and services available in the community.
Watch the 2:22 Video More InfoInformation & Assistance (I&A) provides person-centered assistance in English and Spanish to older adults (60+), people with disabilities of any age, and their families, friends, caregivers, advocates and other representatives.
- Individuals can find support and services by calling (707) 565-INFO (4636)
- Callers can talk with a social worker trained to help navigate the unique needs, life changes and challenges related to aging or disability
- I&A can also be reached through live chat on our webpage, and by email at
Contributed by Disability Services & Legal Center (DSLC) | Added on October 3, 2023

We offer a range of legal services for people with disabilities. We are staffed by California State Bar licensed attorneys, and non-attorney disability rights advocates specializing in disability law. Watch video to learn more about the legal services offered.
Watch the 3:41 Video More InfoSocial Security applicants who have received their second denial of benefits may request a hearing before an administrative law judge. These are formal hearings under the auspices of the federal government, and legal representation is strongly advised. DSLC attorneys will review your case and represent qualified clients at these hearings. We work on a contingency basis, so we do not require any payment from you when we take your case. We do not charge for copying, telephone calls, transportation, or other costs of developing your case. We do require you to sign a contract that directs Social Security to pay 25% of your retroactive benefits (with a maximum cap amount of $7200) to Disability Services & Legal Center. Our attorneys are salaried – all award monies go to provide services for people with disabilities. We also can help you navigate through the process of applying for benefits, dealing with overpayments and other Social Security issues.
- Discrimination
- Our staff will explain the rights of persons with disabilities under the many provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as well as all other areas of Disability Law, including Housing, Employment, and Education.
- We can also aid in filing complaints and securing legal representation for persons with disabilities whose rights have been infringed upon under these laws.
- ADA Legal Consultation Services
- ADA Legal Consultation Service (ALCS) is designed to help attorneys, business owners and municipalities better understand the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as well as all other areas of Disability Law, such as Special Education, Fair Housing, Social Security, and other State and Federal Civil Rights Laws. Our services include case evaluation, training, research and writing, ADA compliance reviews, site evaluations, and expert witness testimony.
Contributed by Senior Advocacy Services (SAS) | Added on July 15, 2024

The Medicare Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP) through the California Department of Aging, provides local individual one-on-one counseling by appointment and educational seminars as the primary source for free and unbiased, accurate and objective Medicare information, advocacy and technical assistance to beneficiaries.
Watch the 2:32 Video More InfoMedicare is complicated. HICAP provides technical expertise on everything related to Medicare as a truly unbiased source since 1986. The program does not sell anything.
- Assistance is by appointment only via phone or in person at various sites across the six counties of our North Bay region.
- Services include individual one-on-one counseling and educational seminars.
- Appointments can easily be made via our HICAP webpage by clients or those who identify the need for assistance.
- Direct referrals can be made through the ADRH to a HICAP representative.
SAS recommends that every client that is on Medicare is referred to HICAP. Every year there are changes to coverage and costs and it is beneficial for Medicare clients to review what is available regularly.
Contributed by Adult & Aging | Added on October 3, 2023

The Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP) Assists Sonoma County residents 65 or older who would rather live at home than in a nursing facility. Watch this video and find out more about the getting care you need to remain at home.
Watch the 3:47 Video More InfoWith support from the MSSP Care Management Team, frail seniors can remain in their own homes rather than move to a nursing home. The team consists of an MSSP social worker and a public health nurse who collaborate with the client to determine services needed. The client is provided with ongoing support, information and referrals to additional services and help with government and other agency programs and benefit. The team also helps arrange, coordinate and monitor recommended medical and community services.
- Eligibility Criteria
- 65 years of age or older
- Medi-Cal is required
- Level of Care needs similar to skilled nursing facility
- Have the interest and willingness to help identify and plan for their needs AND can take steps to follow up with resources OR have a committed support person in place
Contributed by Council on Aging (COA) | Added on May 9, 2024

Program to Encourage Active, Rewarding Lives for Seniors (PEARLS) is an evidence-based program that addresses isolation and depression to improve quality of life. PEARLS provides confidential high-quality mental health coaching for those who want to improve the way they feel. During 6-8 sessions over a 6-month period, participants work with a PEARLS coach on learning problem-solving skills and behavioral techniques to enhance their overall mental wellness. This FREE program will assist with mild depression to create a happier, healthier, better quality of life through skill-building, problem-solving, and physical activity.
Watch the 4:16 Video More InfoProgram to Encourage Active, Rewarding Lives for Seniors (PEARLS) is an evidence-based program that addresses isolation and depression to improve quality of life. PEARLS provides confidential high-quality mental health coaching for those who want to improve the way they feel. During 6-8 sessions over a 6-month period, participants work with a PEARLS coach on learning problem-solving skills and behavioral techniques to enhance their overall mental wellness. This FREE program will assist with mild depression to create a happier, healthier, better quality of life through skill-building, problem-solving, and physical activity.
- Eligibility Criteria: Sonoma County Resident (Petaluma residents excluded) 60 years of age or older. Have depression; dysthymia, minor/major depression; Clinical diagnosis not required Eligibility screening required.
Contributed by Adult & Aging | Added on October 3, 2023

Looking to establish a court-ordered conservatorship for someone? Watch this video to find out more.
Watch the 4:34 Video More InfoThe public administrator, guardian or conservator program only accepts referrals from a designated agency. Please follow the directions listed below if you believe that you or your loved one would benefit from having a court-ordered conservatorship. Open Monday-Friday from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm at 707-565-5733 or email us at
- Who do I call for concerns about someone with a mental illness?
- If this is an emergency, please call 911
- Sonoma County Behavioral health 24-Hour Emergency Mental Health Hotline at 800-746-8181
- Who do I call if I feel an older adult needs assistance?
- If this is an emergency, please call 911
- If the individual is at least 60 years-old and lives in a home, apartment or is unhoused please call Adult Protective Services at 800-667-0404
- If the individual lives in a nursing home or residential care facility please call the Sonoma County Long-Term Care Ombudsman at 800-231-4024
- For information and assistance about Aging and Disability Resources please call 707-565-INFO (4636)
- Who do I call if someone has died?
- Call the Sonoma County Sheriff Dispatch line at 707-565-2121
Contributed by Council on Aging (COA) | Added on May 9, 2024

The Tellegacy Program pairs seniors with a volunteer to enjoy lunch and conversation. During eight guided sessions, clients have the opportunity to tell their own life story. The stories, memories, lessons, and pictures will be collected and compiled into a legacy book for the client to keep and share with friends and family.
Watch the 2:55 Video More InfoThe Tellegacy Program pairs seniors with a volunteer to enjoy lunch and conversation. During eight guided sessions, clients have the opportunity to tell their own life story. The stories, memories, lessons, and pictures will be collected and compiled into a legacy book for the client to keep and share with friends and family.
- Eligibility Criteria: Sonoma County Resident (Petaluma residents excluded) 60 years of age or older and homebound.
The Lunch Companion Program pairs a volunteer chosen for the client to go to the client's house, and the two of them will enjoy lunch together and have great conversations. The Lunch Companion Program might be just the thing for someone looking for occasional interaction.
- Eligibility Criteria: Sonoma County Resident (Petaluma residents excluded) 60 years of age or older and homebound.
Contributed by Adult & Aging | Added on May 9, 2024

Transition services provides support for individuals looking to transition from a more restrictive setting into a community setting.
Watch the 3:21 Video More InfoThe purpose of Transition Services is to assist willing and eligible individuals to move from inpatient facilities back to a community setting. These services involve collaboration between individuals, their support networks, and service providers to facilitate a successful transition.
- Transition coordination - Available to any community member who wants to explore community-based services for transition purposes.
- Public benefit support including Medi-Cal, Social Security and other
- Connection to resources to assist with items such as ongoing transportation needs, in-home care options, housing coordination, case management or waiver programs, and supplies or other needed durable medical equipment
- California Community Transitions (CCT) - For eligible participants, provides transition coordination and the services/resources listed below:
- Equipment, supplies and modifications such as:
- Home set up supplies
- Home modifications
- Vehicle adaptations
- Assistive devices
- Durable medical equipment
- One-year post transition case management to monitor and respond to in-home needs
- CCT Eligibility Criteria
- Must be a Medi-Cal recipient
- Inpatient residence for at least 60 days with at least one day covered by Medicaid
- Those who will continue to require a Skilled Nursing level of care
- Those who have a strong support system in place to help coordinate daily care
Contributed by Disability Services & Legal Center (DSLC) | Added on October 3, 2023

Are you or someone you know exiting a nursing home, skilled nursing facility, mental health hospital or other institutional setting. Do you need to support to return to community living? Watch this video to find out more about Transitions and Diversions.
Watch the 4:22 Video More InfoDSLC can provide funding to cover the costs of In-Home Modifications for any individual who is at risk of becoming institutionalized as well as those who are transitioning from a nursing home or hospital into independent living or back to their community. Each recipient can qualify up to $4500 and applications are not guaranteed to be approved by the funder. This program is also able to assist with the following:
- First Month's Rent and Utilities (No Direct Deposit Assistance at this Time)
- In-Home Modifications that grant consumer access to their community
- Modifications needed to remain independent at home
- Furniture for individuals transitioning into independent living
- And more
Contributed by Adult & Aging | Added on October 3, 2023

To support you and your family, the Sonoma County Veterans Service Office (VSO) can help you understand the benefits available to you.
Watch the 2:41 Video More InfoVeterans Service Office staff helps veterans learn about the many benefit programs available through the Veterans Administration (VA).
- Assistance Includes:
- Monthly payments if a disability was caused or worsened during service
- Pension programs
- Health care/Dental care
- Help paying education costs, finding a school or training program, and career counseling
- Job retraining when a service-connected disability keeps you from working
- Obtaining military records, awards and medals
- Loans to build, buy, improve or refinance a home
- Life insurance
- County-issued Veteran Identification card for ID and discounts on goods and services
- Veteran Label on your California driver license
- Eligibility Criteria
- U.S. veterans
- Spouses, dependent children and relatives of veterans
VSO drop-in schedule is Monday-Thursday 8am-Noon & 1-3pm. There are no appointments at this time. Clients may call (707-565-5960), email ( or drop-in for assistance.